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March, 20 2024

Measuring Performance in Marketing and Finance

Finance, Blog

Discover why measuring performance in marketing and financial management is crucial and how it drives business growth and success.

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March, 20 2024

Full-Time vs Fractional CFO: Making the Right Choice for Your Business

Finance, Blog

Deciding between a full-time or fractional CFO is a significant decision that can have long-lasting implications for your business's financial health.

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May, 05 2022

Cash vs. Accrual: A Series - You’re Making A Huge Mistake

Finance, Blog

If you are using cash accounting instead of accrual accounting, you are making a huge mistake that is likely costing you a tremendous amount of money.

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May, 01 2022

Know Your Unit Economics

Finance, Blog, Marketing

Understanding the scalability of your business requires deep knowledge of your unit economics.

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