A. Borrelli Mechanical specializes in residential and commercial plumbing, heating and cooling. It has been family owned and operated since 1981, concentrating its business in Westchester County New York and Fairfield County Connecticut.
Phase 1: The initial challenge facing A. Borrelli Mechanical was no previous AdWords campaign existed, so the copy, targeting and bid strategy had to be created from scratch.
Phase 2: The main challenge as we expanded our marketing efforts was the absence of a technology infrastructure that could streamline a multi-tactic, fully integrated digital marketing strategy and tie the financial results to the marketing campaigns.
Phone Calls
Website Traffic
The goals for A. Borrelli Mechanical expanded after our initial engagement demonstrated strong performance, leading the client to increase their trust in our expertise. They breakdown into two phases.
Phase 1: The initial goal for A. Borrelli Mechanical was to increase phone calls, as those are the main pathway for customer conversion for an HVAC company. Coupled with that goal was an increase in website traffic.
Phase 2: Phase 2 incorporated expanded digital marketing goals including social media management and email marketing, but also expanded into our financial and technology services to increase revenue and profit.
Phase 1: Develop a targeted Google AdWords campaign for a seamless user experience to increase conversions of inbound phone calls and website submissions.
Phase 2: As we expanded our marketing tactics and incorporated financial performance, streamlining the critical operational, marketing and financial technologies was imperative to the overall success of the engagement.
$2,180,493 to $2,869,664
3,980 to 18,440
1,125 to 1,429
The results compare the performance in calendar year 2018, prior to our initial engagement, to the complete results from calendar year 2019, which represents the full year of our comprehensive engagement that included marketing, technology, and finance.
153 Bob Hill Road
Ridgefield, CT 06877
Email: aaron@amjsolutions-ct.com
Phone: 240.731.5534
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